by TeamFFE

January 16, 2023

How to Tell if You Need a New Roof

If you’re a homeowner in St. Louis, you know how important it is to maintain your property. One of the most critical components of your home is the roof. It protects you from the elements, keeps you warm and dry, and adds value to your property. However, over time, your roof may start to show signs of wear and tear, which can lead to leaks and other issues. In this post, we’ll discuss how to tell if you need a new roof and what to do if you do.

  1. Age of Your Roof

The age of your roof is one of the most critical factors in determining whether you need a new one. The average lifespan of a roof is 15-20 years, depending on the type of material used. If your roof is approaching or has surpassed this age, it’s time to start considering a replacement.

  1. Visible Damage

Another telltale sign that you need a new roof is visible damage. Look for missing or broken shingles, cracks, holes, and other signs of wear and tear. Damage can occur due to storms, hail, high winds, or just normal wear and tear over time. If you notice any of these signs, it’s time to call a professional roofing company to assess the damage and provide recommendations.

  1. Water Stains

If you see water stains on your ceiling or walls, this is a sign that you have a leak in your roof. This issue can be caused by a variety of factors, including damaged shingles, flashing, or vents. A leak can lead to more significant issues if not addressed promptly, such as mold growth, water damage, and even structural damage.

  1. Sagging or Uneven Roofline

If your roofline is sagging or uneven, this is a clear indication that your roof is in need of replacement. This issue is usually caused by moisture buildup or damage to the structural support of the roof. If you notice this problem, you should call a professional roofing contractor immediately to assess the situation and provide recommendations.

  1. Energy Bills

If you notice a sudden increase in your energy bills, your roof may be the culprit. If your roof is damaged or poorly insulated, it can lead to increased energy consumption as your HVAC system works harder to keep your home at a comfortable temperature. By replacing your roof, you can improve your home’s energy efficiency and save money on your monthly utility bills.

What to Do If You Need a New Roof

If you’ve determined that you need a new roof, it’s essential to take action promptly to prevent further damage to your home. Here are the steps you should take:

  1. Hire a Professional

Roof replacement is not a DIY project. You should always hire a professional roofing company to assess your roof and provide recommendations for replacement. Look for a company with a good reputation and experience in the St. Louis area.

  1. Choose the Right Material

There are several types of roofing materials to choose from, including asphalt, metal, tile, and wood. Each has its own pros and cons, so it’s essential to choose the right material for your home and budget. A professional roofing contractor can help you make the right choice.

  1. Get a Written Estimate

Before starting any work, make sure you get a written estimate from the roofing company. This estimate should include all materials and labor costs, as well as any warranties or guarantees.

  1. Schedule the Work

Once you’ve chosen a roofing company and agreed on the estimate, it’s time to schedule the work. Roof replacement can take several days, depending on the size and complexity of your roof. Make sure you schedule the work for a time that’s convenient for you and roofer.

  1. Prepare Your Home

Before the roofing company arrives, it’s essential to prepare your home for the work. Clear your driveway and any obstacles around your home to make it easier for the roofing team to access your roof. You should also move any valuable items, such as patio furniture or potted plants, away from the work area to prevent damage.

  1. Watch the Progress

During the roof replacement process, it’s a good idea to keep an eye on the progress. Check in with the roofing team regularly to make sure everything is going according to plan. If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to ask the team leader.

  1. Inspect the Work

After the work is complete, take the time to inspect the new roof. Make sure everything looks and functions as it should. You should also ask the roofing company for any maintenance tips or recommendations for keeping your new roof in good condition.


In conclusion, your roof is an essential component of your home that requires regular maintenance and care. If you notice any signs of wear and tear, such as visible damage, water stains, or an uneven roofline, it’s essential to take action promptly. By hiring a professional roofing company, choosing the right material, and preparing your home for the work, you can ensure a successful roof replacement project that will protect your home for years to come. If you’re in the St. Louis area, be sure to choose a reputable roofing company with experience in the local climate and conditions.